Margaret Hampton is Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She has been practicing medicine in an integrative medical practice for twenty years in Colorado. She specializes in internal medicine for complex disease patterns. She has continued her post-doctorate studies in herbal and functional medicine. She is married with two sons. They enjoy adventures in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains all year long. She loves traveling and experiencing as much of the world and it’s wonders as possible with her family. February of 2023, they went to Basecamp in the Maasai Mara of Kenya. The animals, land and people made a deep impression on her heart. She is thrilled to help maintain and aid in proliferating the vision and efforts of Base Camp. She has served on the board of the Integrative Healthcare Policy Consortium, the Culturally Based Care Committee of Denver and ABC Coding Solutions. She is an energetic problem-solver that is fulfilled by working with others to help enhance the world for all.